

Welcome screen from the MUD Regenbogen.

Welcome screen from the MUD Regenbogen.

The adventurers guild. A newspaper, Merlin, a Hunter and the torchgiver.

The adventurers guild. A newspaper, Merlin, a Hunter and the torchgiver.

The church. A woman.

The church. A woman.

Over the Rainbow. A Hunter.

Over the Rainbow. A Hunter.

Before the temple at night. A sign and a Hunter.

Before the temple at night. A sign and a Hunter.

Same pic with lighted torch.

Same pic with lighted torch.


The server requesting to display the woman in the church.


The client requesting the data for the woman.

#RQO /monster/woman.

The Server sending the data.

@DFO/monster/woman.1720007FD (more data here..) CC81CC@RFS