BSX Implementation


This is the backend, which is an implementation of the BSX protocol. It's able to filter incoming traffic and to display the contained graphics.

It is used in the JTA plugin, in the RoomMapper and the BSXProxy.


Java 1.1 (not sure, if it works with Java 1.0)


The JAR-archive.


The intended usage of the protocol parser shows an UML diagram. The class hierarchy is shown in another UML diagram.

If someone wants to use the BSXDisplay without the protocol implementation, he might have a look at the RoomMapper tool, wich does exactly this.

All classes are contained in a package named de.mud.bsx.


It's a class library and not a runnable application.


23. May 2007
Maven 2 as build system + Conversion to Java 1.3
11. May 2007
Cleanup + Conversion to Java 1.6
13. Apr. 2001
Added BSXApplet, Version via Constructor, no Swing
06. Apr. 2001
Persistence for BSXDisplay (alpha stage)
01. Apr. 2001
Makefile created


  • quiet mode (no administration window)
  • autoload of default configuration
  • graphical administration
  • human readable configuration in Java properties format
  • large set of supported BSX commands
  • fast BSX parser
  • cursorkeymoving over BSX window
  • multiple connections
  • eclipse project, maven 2 build


  • customisation per subclassing on instantiation :)
  • no hardcoded callback pointers in lower layers